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burkert 8110传感器英文介绍

burkert 8110传感器英文介绍

产品型号: 德国振动式



简要描述:burkert 8110传感器英文介绍
General applications, such as the limit state acquisition or prevent dry running
Don't need to be set during installation
Minimum design size


burkert 8110传感器英文介绍

Model 8110 is a kind of used for liquid level switch, with a fork as sensor components. The design is suitable for all the technology in the industrial field,burkert 8110 can be used in the liquid. Typical use is to prevent overflow or dry running. Small vibrating fork (40 mm in length) can be applied to containers, burkert 8110tank or pipe fittings. 8110 the measuring system with a simple, durable, when use, almost not affected by liquid chemical and physical properties. It can also work under poor measurement conditions, burkert 8110such as eddy current, bubble, bubble, adhesion, burkert 8110strong external vibration or padding.

burkert 8110传感器英文介绍

Burkert English 8110 sensor is introduced



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