叶轮式burkert流量计8025计量仪特别适合中性和弱侵蚀性的、不含固体的液体。计量仪具有不同的结构:带有集成叶轮式传感器的紧凑型计量仪,用于与 Bürkert 8020 / 8030 / 8031 / 8041 / 8071 传感器或其他传感器相组合的、适合开关柜或现场安装的分离式计量仪;带有开路集电极输出端、簧片继电器输出端或线圈的传感器,可利用这种计量仪工作。The device is calibrated by means of the K-factor which is either entered or determined via the Teach-In functions. User adjustments, such as measuring range, engineering units, pulse output and filtering level are carried out via the device operators interface. The operation is specified according to two or three levels, depending on the flowmeter version: