burkert 气动系统6517电磁阀burkert防爆电磁阀6516特点:
burkert 气动系统6517电磁阀burkert防爆电磁阀6516技术参数:
Nominal voltage 24 V/DC
(for further information also consult our
data sheet „Recommended Barriers“)
Duty cycle 100% continuously rated
Protection class IP 65 with cable plug
Body PA
Threaded port material Brass or stainless steel
Seal PB (NBR and PUR)
Fluids Lubricated or unlubricated
compressed air, instrument air
and nitrogen
Ambient temperatures
Block assembly -10 up to +50°C (T6)
-10 up to +55°C (T5)
Single mounting -10 up to +55°C (T6)
Mounting position Any, preferably solenoid
system upright
6516 EExi 6516 EExi 6517 EExi 6517 EExi 140500L 140502A 140315B 140505B