burkert电磁阀00125348 宝德电磁阀6014系列是两位三通电磁阀,可用于气动系统控制气源的打开和关闭,以及气缸或者气动阀的出气。该阀的实物图如下:
burkert电磁阀00125348 宝德电磁阀6014
burkert 6014 C 2.0 FKM MS G1/4 PN0-10bar 24V DC 8W 00125348
burkert电磁阀6014-C-2.0-FKM-MS G1/4 PN0-10bar 24V DC 8W 00125348
burkert电磁阀6014 C 2.0
宝德电磁阀6014 C DN2.0
宝德电磁阀6014 24V DC
burkert 00125348
Connections For the positions marked with *, ** or *** in the drawing, the connections are marked with the letters shown in the table above, depending on the circuit function. Unused connections in circuit functions A or B will be closed off with a blanking plug or cap nut
上一篇:宝德电磁阀0330 德国宝帝