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burkert 2103卫生级隔膜阀

burkert 2103卫生级隔膜阀

产品型号: 2103



简要描述:burkert 2103卫生级隔膜阀 The externally piloted diaphragm valve type 2103 consists of a pneumatically operated piston actuator, a diaphragm and a 2-way valve housing made of cast stainless steel


burkert 2103卫生级隔膜阀 The externally piloted diaphragm valve type 2103 consists of a pneumatically operated piston actuator, a diaphragm and a 2-way valve housing made of cast stainless steel. burkert 2103卫生级隔膜阀 The highquality actuator with a stainless steel cover is designed for usage in hygienic or aggressive environments


  1. 有利于流动且*的外壳
  2. 通过隔膜将介质与驱动装置严格分离
  3. 自动化单元及 ELEMENT 的简单集成
  4. 带有连接套头、压合接头或焊接接头的不锈钢外壳
  5. 获得 FDA 认证


Orifice DN 4 to 50
Body material Cast stainless steel 316L / 1.4435
Actuator material Actuator
Stainless steel 1.4561 (316Ti)
Diaphragm materials EPDM (AB), PTFE/EPDM (EA)
EPDM (AD), advanced PTFE/EPDM (EU) and FKM (FF)

on request
Medium For neutral gases and liquids, high purity, sterile,
aggressive or abrasive fl uids
Viscosity Up to viscous
Ambient temperature +5 to +60 °C
Control medium Neutral gases, air
Max. pilot pressure max. 10 bar; Actuator size 130 mm 7 bar


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